The Journey Begins

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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. β€” Izaak Walton


I just realised I’m the pen from the very beginning, and to stay single was the cores I take for living. I meant not forever stay by this own, I would like to see what I’m capable of doing before get into someone living.

This is not very hard to take, I thought maybe I need to leaves right away. I’m not hurts anyhow this is way for me to take adavantages before I’ll tell somebody “I love you” than again it’s not a pleasure when I thought hiding was the best things I have ever done. Hide.

I don’t get why she said “What are you afraid of?” at first than I thought maybe fears must have left behind.

Fears or inflammations.

I dun think of anxiety so often, maybe I’d lie. I took it okay..I’m not reversing the times but wonder what the past that have left I must do today.

Let’s the story begins…

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