How to Claim 40 Free Listings on Etsy and Sell Your Handmade Products Faster

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If you are a new or existing seller on Etsy, you might be wondering how to get more exposure and sales for your handmade products. One of the ways to do that is by claiming free listings on Etsy. Free listings are credits that can be used to list new items or renew existing ones without paying a listing fee. Listing fees are one of the costs of selling on Etsy, and they can add up quickly if you have a large inventory or a high turnover rate. By using free listings, you can save money, test new products, increase your inventory, and boost your visibility on the platform.

In this article, we will show you how to claim 40 free listings for your new Etsy shop, how to use them effectively, and how to get more free listings for your existing shop. By following these tips, you can sell your handmade products faster and grow your Etsy business.

What are free listings on Etsy?

Free listings are credits that can be used to list new items or renew existing ones without paying a listing fee. Listing an item on Etsy normally costs US$0.20, which is valid for four months or until the item is sold. So getting 40 free listings is equivalent to saving US$8.

Free listings can help you in several ways:

  • They can help you save money on listing fees, which can be invested in other aspects of your business, such as marketing, packaging, or materials.
  • They can help you test new products or variations without risking losing money if they don’t sell well.
  • They can help you increase your inventory and offer more choices to your customers, which can lead to more sales and repeat buyers.
  • They can help you boost your visibility and ranking on Etsy’s search engine, as more listings mean more chances of being found by potential buyers.

1. How to get 40 free listings for your new Etsy shop?

If you are looking to open a new Etsy shop, this guide will give you 40 free listings to help you start your Etsy journey. Keep in mind that this offer only works for new Etsy sellers. Your Etsy account needs to be a buyer account when clicking the link, meaning that you cannot have a shop already opened or in the set-up process.

Here are the steps to get 40 free listings for your new Etsy shop:

Step 1: Click this link to get your 40 free listings on Etsy

This link is a referral link that will give you and me 40 free listings each. By using this link, you are supporting my Etsy shop and helping me create more content like this. Thank you!

Step 2: Sign up and open your shop directly from the link

Make sure you open the shop directly from the link. If you navigate off, the referral may not work and you may lose the free listings. After clicking the link, you can follow the steps to sign up and open your shop. You will need to choose a shop name, set your preferences, add your billing information, and list at least one item to open your shop.

Step 3: Check whether you have the free listings in your account

To check whether you have the free listings, first go to your Etsy dashboard/shop manager by clicking here. Then click ‘Listings’. Your 40 free listings should show up at the top right hand corner of your listing page like this:

Free listings on Etsy

The good news is that the free listings don’t expire. So you can take your time when setting up the shop. And you don’t have to use all of them at once. Once you’ve used the free listing (either to list a new item or to renew a sold item), it will:

  • Be used when the item is sold, or
  • Expire after 4 months if the listed item is not sold

Also keep in mind that once your account is closed, you’ll lose the free listings.

2. How to use your free listings effectively?

Now that you have 40 free listings, how can you use them to sell your handmade products faster? Here are some tips to help you:

Tip 1: Use them to list high-quality products that match your niche and target audience

The first and most important tip is to use your free listings to list high-quality products that match your niche and target audience. This means that you should:

  • Create products that are unique, well-made, and appealing to your ideal customers
  • Take clear, bright, and attractive photos that showcase your products’ features and benefits
  • Write descriptive, informative, and persuasive titles and descriptions that include relevant keywords and answer your customers’ questions
  • Add relevant tags, categories, attributes, and variations to help your products get found by the right buyers
  • Price your products competitively and fairly, taking into account your costs, profit margin, and market demand

By listing high-quality products that match your niche and target audience, you can increase your chances of getting views, favorites, and sales on Etsy.

Tip 2: Use them to renew your best-selling or seasonal products regularly

The second tip is to use your free listings to renew your best-selling or seasonal products regularly. Renewing a product means relisting it as if it were new, which can give it a boost in Etsy’s search results. Renewing a product costs US$0.20 per listing, but you can use your free listings to do it without paying anything.

To renew your products effectively, you should:

  • Identify your best-selling or seasonal products that have a high conversion rate (the percentage of views that result in sales)
  • Renew them at optimal times when your target customers are most likely to be online and shopping (for example, evenings or weekends)
  • Renew them strategically based on their performance, demand, or seasonality (for example, renewing more often during peak seasons or holidays)
  • Track and analyze the results of your renewals using Etsy’s stats and analytics tools

By renewing your best-selling or seasonal products regularly, you can increase their visibility and ranking on Etsy’s search engine, which can lead to more traffic and sales.

Tip 3: Use them to experiment with different keywords, titles, descriptions, and photos

The third tip is to use your free listings to experiment with different keywords, titles, descriptions, and photos. Experimenting means trying out different variations of these elements to see which ones perform better and attract more buyers.

To experiment with different keywords, titles, descriptions, and photos, you should:

  • Use keyword research tools such as Marmalead or eRank to find relevant and popular keywords for your products
  • Write different versions of titles and descriptions using different keywords and phrases
  • Take different photos of your products using different angles, backgrounds, lighting, props, or models
  • List different versions of the same product using different keywords, titles, descriptions, and photos
  • Compare the results of each version using Etsy’s stats and analytics tools

By experimenting with different keywords, titles, descriptions, and photos, you can find out what works best for your products and optimize them accordingly.

3. How to get more free listings for your existing Etsy shop?

If you already have an existing Etsy shop, you might be wondering how to get more free listings to list or renew more products. Fortunately, there are some ways to do that, such as:

Method 1: Refer other people to open a new shop on Etsy and earn free listings for each referral

One of the easiest ways to get more free listings is to refer other people to open a new shop on Etsy and earn free listings for each referral. You can do this by using the Etsy referral program, which allows you to invite your friends, family, or followers to become sellers on Etsy and get free listings for both of you.

To participate in the Etsy referral program, you need to:

  • Go to the Referral page in your Shop Manager and copy your unique referral link
  • Share your referral link with your contacts via email, social media, or other channels
  • Wait for them to sign up and open their shop directly from your link
  • Check whether you have earned free listings in your account

You can refer as many people as you like, but keep in mind that they need to be new sellers who don’t have a shop already opened or in the set-up process. You can learn more about the Etsy referral program here.

Method 2: Join an Etsy team that offers free listing promotions or giveaways

Another way to get more free listings is to join an Etsy team that offers free listing promotions or giveaways. An Etsy team is a group of sellers who share a common interest, goal, or location and support each other on Etsy. Some teams may offer free listing promotions or giveaways as a way to reward their members, attract new members, or celebrate special occasions.

To join an Etsy team that offers free listing promotions or giveaways, you need to:

  • Browse the Etsy teams directory and find a team that suits your niche, style, or location
  • Read the team’s description, rules, and requirements and apply to join if you are eligible
  • Follow the team’s announcements, discussions, and events and look for any free listing promotions or giveaways
  • Participate in the free listing promotions or giveaways according to the team’s instructions and terms

You can join as many teams as you like, but make sure you are active and respectful in each team. You can learn more about Etsy teams here.

Method 3: Participate in Etsy events or challenges that reward free listings

The third way to get more free listings is to participate in Etsy events or challenges that reward free listings. Etsy sometimes organizes events or challenges for sellers to encourage them to improve their shops, learn new skills, or try new things. Some of these events or challenges may reward free listings as prizes or incentives for participants.

To participate in Etsy events or challenges that reward free listings, you need to:

  • Follow the Etsy blog , newsletter , and social media accounts and look for any announcements about upcoming events or challenges
  • Read the details, rules, and deadlines of the events or challenges and decide whether you want to join
  • Complete the tasks or requirements of the events or challenges and submit your entries if needed
  • Wait for the results and see whether you have won any free listings

You can participate in as many events or challenges as you like, but make sure you follow the instructions and terms carefully. You can learn more about Etsy events or challenges here.


In conclusion, claiming free listings on Etsy is a great way to sell your handmade products faster and grow your Etsy business. By following this article, you can learn how to claim 40 free listings for your new Etsy shop, how to use them effectively, and how to get more free listings for your existing shop. By using free listings, you can save money, test new products, increase your inventory, and boost your visibility on the platform.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to claim your 40 free listings on Etsy today!


Here are some frequently asked questions about free listings on Etsy:

Q: Can I use free listings from one account in my other shop?

A: No, free listings are not transferable between accounts, even those belonging to the same member. You can only use them in the shop where they were earned.

Q: Can I use free listings to purchase an item on Etsy?

A: No, free listings cannot be used to purchase an item on Etsy. They can only be used to list new items or renew existing ones.

Q: Can I use free listings to list non-qualifying items on Etsy?

A: No, free listings can only be used to list qualifying items on Etsy. Qualifying items are those that follow Etsy’s policies and guidelines . If you list a non-qualifying item, it is subject to removal by Etsy at its sole discretion. In such cases, the listing fee is not able to be reinstated.

Q: Do free listings expire?

A: No, free listings do not expire. However, you will not be able to use them once an account has been closed.

Q: How can I check how many free listings I have?

A: You can check how many free listings you have by going to your Listings section in your Shop Manager. You will see the number of free listings available in the top right hand corner of your listing page.

(1) How to Refer a Friend to Sell on Etsy.
(2) Welcome to Etsy’s Referral Program Beta.
(3) Etsy Referral Program — Refermate.
(4) Etsy: How to get an Etsy Referral Link? – Coragi.
(5) (For New Shops) How To Get 40 Free Listing On Etsy – Growing Your Craft.
(6) Earn Free Listings – Our House Rules | Etsy.
(7) How I earned 60,000 FREE listings on Etsy – Oh She Creates.

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Thank you for reading! We hope this article on How to Claim 40 Free Listings on Etsy and Sell Your Handmade Products Fasterwas informative and helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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