Chewable Tablet Luban Susu Kambing – Dietary Supplement for Healthy Brain

MindTune Mia – Reprogramme Mind Device

Himalaya Rock Salt Lamp – Cleanse the Air and Neutralize EMF exposure

Lavender Essential Oil

100% Latex Anti-Static with EMF Protections – Anti-Dust Mite Mattress

Minyak Kasturi Kijang – For better sleep, In Syaa Allah

  • Tip to make Top Story

    1. STASIS– Introduce the character.– Introduce the world.– Introduce a mystery about the character.– Show the character’s dissatisfaction; how they’re limited by their daily life.– Show the character trying to solve a problem in their “stasis state” and either failing or struggling. 2. TRIGGER– Whatever sets the wheels of the story in motion. The character… Read more

  • Plot Formulas

    If you’re wondering what the colour-coding in the plot sheetsrefers to, here’s a brief summary… 1. STASIS – so-called because at this stage the character is ina state of stasis. They’re static, full of potential energy that theyaren’t using. 2. TRIGGER – so-called because this is what triggers thecharacter to action. I often think of… Read more

  • The More Conciousness

    “Please, don’t do it” she begged. “I can tell from here, wait..I’m starving!” She shouted to no one in particular. Her voice was shaky and she looked like she had been crying a while now but she still insisted on eating dinner by herself. This was her fourth time this week trying to force herself… Read more

  • No more Rosy, no more Story

    End of story. The Lost Princess The Lost Angel by Miller Bell iRis by Kevin iGirl by Matthew McBurn The iCode by Manu Rios The Mind Games by Sickick Sophia Jane by William Jack Mary Jane by Luthfi Akram The Waves of Ocean by Nur Al’Aliyah Kamaruddin The Books Under Shore by Sephonilette -78 The… Read more

  • The Wake Up Called

    The Wake Up Called

    Nearly killed my senses of humor, some sense got high on the hills while I’m possibly enough with the nonsense. Got so tight with the daffodils while it was generous to say I’ve might happened with one clicked. Metals stay on the head while steel are possibly went heavy, my eyes says I’m gonna do… Read more

  • The Foods Where’s Figured By Allah’s Help

    The story begins with the heart that begged for cares, I took a step by challenges myself to move out from my parent’s house, and somehow it’s really costing me big amount of between. As people said, it’s never easy you need to list down the costs and further bill you have to pay. I… Read more